Monthly Archives: January 2011

The Gift of Life

At the beginning of a new year, it is always easy to come up with “new years resolutions” and personal goals to accomplish. Too often we eagerly create our “lists” and have too many items which add up to an … Continue reading

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The beauty of nature

Here is another view taken along the cliffs near Mendocino. This particular trip to the coast was unique because I saw something I had always heard of but never saw…and that was the migrating of humpback whale just off the … Continue reading

Posted in Inspirational, Photography, Travel | 2 Comments

Photo of the day…beautiful Mendocino

This weekend I took a road trip to the coast with my girlfriend and best friend. The waves were pretty huge and as a result there was a lot of mist in the the air making the lighting really cool … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel | 1 Comment

A book for the new year

I picked this book up in the fall of last year on the recommendation of a friend and it challenged me in a very real way. The result of reading this book actually was launching Cross Designs. It had been … Continue reading

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Simple design idea of the day

When traveling to different places, whether inside the country or internationally, my favorite souvenirs from my trips are always the photographs taken along the way. Even if you’re only taking a trip to the beach, make sure you take along … Continue reading

Posted in Photography, Travel | 1 Comment

And so a new chapter begins…

As a new year unfolds, it’s hard not to reflect upon the year that just ended and breathe a sigh of relief that it’s behind us now.  Our country has been through a lot these past few years and it … Continue reading

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