And so a new chapter begins…

Mark Twain quote

As a new year unfolds, it’s hard not to reflect upon the year that just ended and breathe a sigh of relief that it’s behind us now.  Our country has been through a lot these past few years and it seems that the whole world is in the process of reinventing itself in this new economy.  The mistakes that were made this past year have taught us valuable lessons and although life might not have gone as we had hoped, the time for regret has passed.  It’s time to move onward and upward  into the new year and figure out what really matters now.  Simplify, re-evaluate, and create the life you have wanted to live for years.  Harness all the talents you have been given and put them to good use!  Welcome to 2011!

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1 Response to And so a new chapter begins…

  1. Ruth DeBooy says:

    Hey Rob, Your website is very inspiring, and beautiful. I pray for you every day!

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