A book for the new year

Read if you want to tackle the impossible

I picked this book up in the fall of last year on the recommendation of a friend and it challenged me in a very real way. The result of reading this book actually was launching Cross Designs. It had been a dream of mine for about 2 years and I was always too “busy” to tackle it…but the timing of it all was very providential. I brought the idea to fruition a month before the firm I was working for closed their doors, so it was a natural transition into a new chapter for me. Now I have to admit it’s a challenge to create something from scratch, but ambition, a passion and God-given talent for something, and some hard work can take you farther than you might think.

In life one must be willing to venture out into uncharted territory, to take a leap of faith, in order to discover new opportunities that have been awaiting them all along…but they never try…they never strive for more. I have heard this quote thrown around a lot of times, but it’s a question that really is at the core of our professional lives…

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?
~Robert H. Schuller

So my advice to you is this: At the start of this new year, remember all those dreams that you have filed away over the years as impossible or ones that you’ll “get around to one day” because you’ve always been “too busy” and figure out what it will take to make it happen…what it will take to make them a reality. Maybe it’s a book you’ve always wanted to write…a small company you’ve always wanted to start…a soup kitchen you’ve always wanted to volunteer at to make a difference in your community. No matter how big or small the dream…START TODAY!

Take a risk…step out in faith…attempt the impossible.

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1 Response to A book for the new year

  1. kimberly says:

    I agree this book is great. Thank you for sharing it with me. I really enjoyed every page. I just recommended it to Kandyce and Lindsay. I think it’s a book for everyone.

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