Simple design idea of the day

Liven up your walls with a little art

When traveling to different places, whether inside the country or internationally, my favorite souvenirs from my trips are always the photographs taken along the way. Even if you’re only taking a trip to the beach, make sure you take along a camera to capture the moments along the way that truly inspire you.

After my trip to Paris, I bought an original oil painting by an impressionist painter of a view along a Parisian street. I really liked it and I wanted it as a souvenir from my trip. I also took about 400 pictures of the city while I was there too. Now looking back on that trip a few years later, the painting has been siting in my closet for years and the pictures I took have been framed on the walls of every house I lived in for the last 5 years. It’s your own personal view and memory from a great trip that will last for countless years.

So the lesson I want to share with you is make it personal. Frame the photos that have been sitting idle on your external hard drive for years. If you don’t have any you love, take a trip this weekend shoot some new pictures that you can frame on your walls and refresh your house this year. And if you would like some ideas of how to take some pictures and frame some shots check out my photography link here.

Enjoy the journey and make some great memories this month!

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1 Response to Simple design idea of the day

  1. kimberly says:

    Great idea. I want to frame some of my own photography. I am inspired.
    I was also just looking at your prints again to see which ones I want. They are all so good.

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