A unique find

This weekend as we were exploring some new towns, we came to a small town called Glen Ellen. It is a really unique place that is somewhat famous because of it’s association with author Jack London. He settled down just outside of town and penned a number of books about the area. As a result there are a number of places named for him. One of these was a small market building which housed a number of different shops from gourmet chocolate places to numerous wine tasting shops. At the end of the market however there was a public book trading area where people can take any book for free and bring one back to replace it next time they are in the area. I love old books so as I was looking over the selection, this book caught my eye because of the worn cover. I opened it up and it was full of amazing historic architectural drawings and maps from various places in Europe.

It was printed in 1920 and became part of the New York City public library collection in 1928. It is a great book with a number of inspiring drawings that will definitely end up on my wall one day soon…and don’t worry, I am not going to cut it up for the pictures…I’ll scan them and reprint them.

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1 Response to A unique find

  1. Sue says:

    From a fellow lover of cool old books…I can appreciate your find.
    The hunt is half the fun. When I am scouting about will keep you in mind.
    Enjoy your blog and love all the amazing pics.

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