A greener way to travel

Each day we are confronted with choices…what to eat, what to wear, where to shop, and how to get there. Last year, while working in San Francisco, I bought a bike to get me to and from the office. My boss and I each bought a bike and would share stories about what new thing we discovered or experienced in the city while commuting via bicycle. The world is a much different place when you’re on your bike, and often times we miss out on really unique experiences once we shut ourselves away in our cars. Now I realize that there are many different reasons people have for not riding a bike to work…however, if it is an option that is available to you, you might want to give it a try one day. It makes a lot of sense right now when gas in CA is around $4.30. Not only are you saving money, but you’re getting much needed exercise as well.

But don’t take my word for it…go out and dust off your bike and take a trip of your own.

Click here to buy the bike displayed above…Click me!

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2 Responses to A greener way to travel

  1. I love each of these photos. The look like classic photos that could have been taken some time ago. Wonderful post.

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate your comment. I love photography and it’s nice to hear other people find it inspiring at times too.

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