Adventures on bike…

This weekend we had planned a bike adventure through Sonoma on Sunday in celebration for Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, our plans changed slightly and our bike ride was rescheduled for another time. However, we still had a great time exploring Sonoma anyway. These images were taken around picturesque Sonoma. Last week I posted something about bikes being an alternative mode of transportation. Everyone was challenged to take some time and get on your bikes again. So consider this your reminder. Pack your bikes up and strike out on an adventure of your own…

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4 Responses to Adventures on bike…

  1. kimberly says:

    I love these photo’s of your bike. I am loving all your posts lately. Very inspiring. I think maybe we should ride our bikes this weekend. I also love your new addition to your website. It looks really nice. Great job!!!!

  2. Thanks! I enjoyed the process of photographing it. I agree we should take a bike ride again this weekend. Always an adventure. Thanks for checking out the updated website too. I appreciate all the support!

  3. Summer says:

    Yes. I do hope we all go biking together. Maybe this summer and when Kristen can join us too.

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