A momentous occasion

This past weekend was spent in Carmel, California. Carmel is by far my favorite beach on the entire West Coast and so it was my first choice of places to propose to the woman I have waited my whole life to meet. The proposal took place just above the beach in the evening and although it was a little foggier than I would have liked, it was still perfect. If you have been to Carmel, you know well that fog is a integral part of the town. So the fog was just an appropriate part of the setting.

My fiance, Kimberly, and I have both always wanted a beach wedding and so that is exactly what we are planning. We will be getting married along the CA coast towards the end of the summer in a small ceremony on the beach.

The upcoming months are going to be very busy with wedding preparation. We are both creative and we are going to enjoy the whole creative process of creating this day to be a reflection of who we are, what we love, and to share it with the people we love.

This image was taken on the beach the day after we were engaged.

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