On the road again…

This past month has been full of traveling…from white-water rafting in Nevada, to road tripping across WA and OR, to driving all over the Monterey Bay area scoping out wedding locations and other details. It’s been quite an adventure, but I’m getting ready to stay put for a little bit. My fiance and I have basically planned out every detail of our wedding in one month which feels like a huge accomplishment to us. In 2.5 weeks we lined up our location, house and hotels for the wedding weekend, photographer, caterer, she got her dress, invitations finished (created by us), and table decorations figured out. Needless to say it’s been a busy and productive month. Now it’s time to catch our breath and take a quick break from wedding stuff for a bit. It’s been a fun process and I’m looking forward to the fun-filled wedding weekend ahead!

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