
This picture was taken in the morning, the day after Thanksgiving. This infamous day is known as “Black Friday.” On a day when the world is running around like mad buying everything in sight that looks like a good deal, my wife and I were enjoying the peace and quite of nature. Now granted we did participate in the consumerism and ventured into one store for 50% off some paints for my wife to start painting again.

This year I have much to be thankful for. During this festive time of year take time to count your blessings and let your friends and family in your life know that they matter in your life. Be thankful in all things…

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1 Response to Serenity…

  1. kim says:

    I like how we saw the same photo oppurtunity at different times this morning… we need to go on a photography date. You, me and camera… he he

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