Adventures on bike…

This weekend we had planned a bike adventure through Sonoma on Sunday in celebration for Mother’s Day. Unfortunately, our plans changed slightly and our bike ride was rescheduled for another time. However, we still had a great time exploring Sonoma anyway. These images were taken around picturesque Sonoma. Last week I posted something about bikes being an alternative mode of transportation. Everyone was challenged to take some time and get on your bikes again. So consider this your reminder. Pack your bikes up and strike out on an adventure of your own…

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Savanna Square Blueprint

A few years ago I was living in the southeastern part of the US and would frequent Savanna, Georgia quite often. It’s a unique place full of all kinds of interesting history. It’s one of the few places left that really makes you feel like you’re stepping back in time. Anyway, while there I had the chance to visit the archives and photograph some of the blueprints from the squares. It was really cool to see some of the old drawings which have just been stored for decades. Savannah is unique because of the grid it’s laid on with squares all over the historic downtown core. It makes for a truly great environment to be in. If you have never been to Savannah, you should really make a point of visiting this great city.

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A greener way to travel

Each day we are confronted with choices…what to eat, what to wear, where to shop, and how to get there. Last year, while working in San Francisco, I bought a bike to get me to and from the office. My boss and I each bought a bike and would share stories about what new thing we discovered or experienced in the city while commuting via bicycle. The world is a much different place when you’re on your bike, and often times we miss out on really unique experiences once we shut ourselves away in our cars. Now I realize that there are many different reasons people have for not riding a bike to work…however, if it is an option that is available to you, you might want to give it a try one day. It makes a lot of sense right now when gas in CA is around $4.30. Not only are you saving money, but you’re getting much needed exercise as well.

But don’t take my word for it…go out and dust off your bike and take a trip of your own.

Click here to buy the bike displayed above…Click me!

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Springtime green…

This image was taken on a bike ride near Suttonfield Lake in Glen Ellen. The weather was perfect and the green of the grass and trees was just incredible. It made for a truly memorable afternoon bike ride. Be sure to get out and enjoy the nature around you wherever you live!

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The perfect escape

This weekend was spent exploring the Sonoma Valley and the little towns that make up this beautiful place. On Sunday we went to the Kenwood Inn & Spa to check out the facilities and needless to say…it’s an amazing place. It has been around for over 20 years of so and was recently renovated in the past 4 or 5 years and the result is a charming Italian village-like assembly of buildings tucked away into it’s own little world.

If you are looking for the perfect retreat one weekend, look no further than this small hotel.

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Truly…A Must Read

This book has really inspired me in a number of different ways. I must admit I am not much of a reader. There are a number of other activities I enjoy much more than reading, but I could not put this book down. So much in fact that I read it cover-to-cover in 2 days. It is a really powerful read. Books that you finish and you feel like you have learned something you can really apply to your life in a tangible way are my favorites. Only a handful of books I have read really resonate in this area, but this was definitely one of those books. Let me share with you a few quick quotes that caught my eye…

“A character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it is the basic structure of a good story.”

“Here’s the truth about telling stories with your life. It’s going to sound like a great idea, and you’re going to get excited about it, and then when it comes time to do the work, you’re not going to want to do it. It’s like that with writing books, and it’s like that with life. People love to have lived a great story, but few people like the work it takes to make it happen.”

“…I felt God wanting me to hold my tongue, and I would. It didn’t feel natural at first; it felt fake, like I was being a character somebody else wanted me to be and not who I actually was; but it I held my tongue, the scene would play better, and I always felt better when it was done. I started feeling like a better character, and when you are a better character, your story gets better too…God wanted me to do things, to help people, to volunteer or write a letter or talk to my neighbor….I told God no again, but He came back to me and asked me if I really believe He could write a better – and if I did, why didn’t I trust Him?”

“No character has a vague ambition. It made me wonder if the reasons our lives seem so muddled is because we keep walking into scenes in which we, along with the people around us, have no clear idea what we want.”

This book is truly challenging and it makes you take a good, hard look at your life. Where are you investing your time, spending your money, and what are you living out through your actions. The story you are writing with your life is played out on a day-to-day basis. The person you are becoming is played out daily by the choices you make and you aren’t the same person you were when the year started in January. You have learned more, lived more, and grown personally…in some way.

Take a few hours and dive into this book. Your view of life will be different on the other side.

You are capable of so much!!!

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Cameras: Past and Present

For all those with a love for photography, here is a small collection of cameras I’ve collected over the years. I really can’t say I’m much of a fan for antiques, but there are certain things I really appreciate that are old. Maps and books are definitely two of my favorites, but I also love the design and simplicity of vintage cameras. Some of the greatest moments in history have been captured and well-documented on cameras that we would look at today as complete garbage. While I am a huge fan of digital photography, it is sad in a way because there are momentous times in life that get captured only to sit on an external hard drive for the rest of your life. Developing film in a darkroom is definitely a lost art, but there are advantages to each so we all have the choice to use what we are comfortable with.

The irony of this photograph is that this picture was taken via the camera on my iPhone 4. So in this day and age, there are many more moments readily captured due to the discovery of the smartphone. Some of your favorite and best pictures or videos for that matter will now be taken via your iPhone or Droid…or whatever you use. At the end of the day it’s not as important what device you are using to capture your memories…what’s important is that you take the time TO capture the memories! And once your favorite moments get captured, get them printed off and hung on a wall somewhere. Enjoy the journey of life and live a life worth remembering!

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Custom furniture preview

I have been busy working on a number of things the past 2 months, but one of my focus areas has been the furniture section of my website. This is one of the custom pieces I did 2 weeks ago. It’s a small desk for my girlfriend made of solid Poplar wood with Douglas Fir legs. The goal was to create a simple design with enough room for two people to work on if need be and to double as a table as well. Furniture pieces which serve multiple functions are always helpful to have around the house. It will most likely be finished with a grey stain to match the character of a few other pieces already in the room.

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A few more maps

Here are a few more vintage maps I have found along the way. The book I pulled these from has mostly European cities featured. But a few East Coast cities made it into the book as well. These are about to be framed and hung on my wall.

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Vintage map of Rome

With my background in Architecture and Urban Design, few maps are as inspiring as the Nolli Map of Rome created in 1748. This map is amazing because it shows the floorplans of all major religious buildings in Rome such as Cathedrals and Basilicas as well as the shape of the square or piazza they sit on. This type of map is called a figure/ground map. Maps like these are important because they are what define the spaces of the public realm and a properly shaped space can greatly promote social interaction in a community. This idea is much more easily understood when traveling through Europe. The layout of the cities were created to promote community and social interaction in a variety of ways. However with the discovery of the automobile, the human scale that cities were built on became extinct and were replaced by the scale of the automobile. Cities used to be created so that a walk to the grocery store or market was a pleasant experience. However, the car took over and the smaller grocery store now became huge and the parking lot to serve the one store became even bigger. Compound this by every need being met via the automobile and it’s no wonder we now have parking lots where smaller historic downtowns once thrived.

Well all in the name of progress I guess…what a shame.

Thankfully though, in the last decade, a push towards less dependence on the automobile has emerged. Public transportation is now looked on as a desirable alternative and train travel has had a rebirth. Last year I traveled by train to the heart of San Francisco every day and had I been forced to drive the same road through traffic everyday I would have gone crazy. With gas prices nearing $4.25 in CA too, people are thinking twice about how often they drive. As prices rise, try thinking of ways to reduce your daily travel. Carpool, ride your bike, or walk a little more if you can. The choice is yours.

And although I digressed from the map of Rome, if you would like to purchase a copy for yourself click on the link below.

Map of Rome

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